• Running Through My Mind

    These are the thoughts I’ve had in the past 45 minutes: I wonder what I should wear to my Schoolhouse presentation at Quilt Market on Friday?  Do grey slacks say “office…

  • As Per Your Request(s)

    Y’all were right: a sweet, girly dress was the way to go.  If I’d had time, I would have taken more advice and mixed it up with some funky fabrics and…

  • Appealing for your Assistance!

    So, I bought this truly fantastic Alexander Henry print for my second child, four years old, and planned to make a pinafore for her to wear this coming week as we…

  • Happy Birthday, Mom!

    To the woman who birthed me and raised me and taught me to sew, and who is prouder of me than I could be of myself, who takes photos at every…

  • Search for the Perfect Dress Form

    As any woman who has ever had a baby can tell you, our bodies are not rubber bands, and they don’t bounce back right away. It’s almost funny (almost) how many…

  • Crafty Business Basics E-Course is Coming Up!

    Looking to start or grow your sewing into a crafty business empire?  Maybe 2010 has been the beginning for you, or maybe 2011 has your name written all over it.  I…

  • Quilt Cemetery

    My husband and I went out to eat recently with some Twitter and blog friends, one of whom is a noted ghost hunter. She mentioned wanting to visit her grandfather’s grave…

  • Atlanta Modern Quilt Guild Display

    The ladies of the Atlanta Modern Quilt Guild have been holding their monthly meetings at Whipstitch, and have been gracious enough to loan us some of their beautiful mini-quilts to hang…

  • Striped Tank Top

    Last night I whipped up a sample tank top from one of the patterns for the Sewing Knits E-Course that’s running right now.  And I don’t say “whipped” to make myself…