Guest Post: Debunking Five Sewing Myths

Tiffany of Simply Modern Mom invited me over to do a guest post as part of her Sewing 101 week on her blog. See what I came up with, and link to my recent bedside reading:
I’ve taken on these erroneous beliefs:

  1. Sewing is super hard and requires long training
  2. Sewing has to be perfect in order to be good
  3. Sewing is all-or-nothing
  4. Sewing is outdated and anti-feminist
  5. Sewing is something people want to do but no one needs to sew anymore

These myths are all total crap, and each of them is guilty of scaring folks away from taking up sewing–so I’m out to take ’em down to Chinatown and make sure that you have the confidence that only truth can bring.

Drop a comment and let me know what you think!

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  • Heather K
    May 23, 2010 at 9:57 am

    I started sewing very young, so the first 4 never were an issue for me. Number 5, I believed for a long time. But lately, I know I need to sew. Every day.

  • Lynn Muir
    May 25, 2010 at 12:50 pm

    I totally agree! I am always trying to encourage my blog viewers to try a sewing project even if they aren’t the greatest at sewing. I think once they get started and over the fears(myths) they find it is must easier than they thought. I am not the greatest, and not even sure what I am doing most of the time ha ha, but somehow my projects workout. The more I sew the better I get 🙂 Glad you are encouraging people to sew! It’s very rewarding.

  • nutmeg
    February 3, 2011 at 9:57 pm

    LOVE this post! What a great busting of myths! I had a manifesto of sewing, which would have been much more simple with these few rules.

    I’m enjoying your site, thanks for taking the time to make it so easy and fun to navigate!
