Mid-Year Check-In: My Sewing Goals

Back at the beginning of the year, I set some SEWING GOALS for myself. I wanted to build sewing habits that help me connect WHY I sew with WHAT I sew, in order to move my sewing in a direction that allows me to make garments I love to wear and feel good about.

Now that the year is more than half over, I did a little check in to see how that’s going! You can listen to it as part of this all-new podcast episode:

What about YOU? Have you considered some sewing goals of your own this year, and are they headed the way you hoped? I’d love to hear!

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    Ashish Agrawal
    October 8, 2024 at 5:32 am

    I absolutely love your Mid-Year Check-In: My Sewing Goals! It’s so inspiring to see you reflecting on your progress and setting new intentions. Assessing your goals midway through the year is such a smart way to stay motivated! Your passion for sewing really comes through in your writing. Plus, it’s fascinating to think about how different factors, like yarn export, can influence our projects. I can’t wait to see how you achieve all your goals by the end of the year. Keep up the fantastic work!

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