[box color=”blue” align=”center”]After teaching online via video for years, I began to realize that the classes I was creating were offering content that my students wanted to view again and again–sometimes to review the lesson and re-create the project, sometimes to brush up on a particular pattern or design, and often for the core skill or technique that was included in the lesson. I work hard to make sure that every e-course I design includes plenty of original, foundational content that will help you really launch yourself to the next level of your sewing, and want to extend that passion to easily-accessible video for anyone, anywhere. My mission is to lead you to passionately love sewing, and I hope that this video glossary will help to do that![/box]
Use the thumbnails below to browse the terms included in the glossary. Click on any image to see close-up video of that term in action. Most videos are around 3-6 minutes long and attempt to drill down on the most frequent questions and concerns I hear from students when a particular technique comes up. You can also browse terms alphabetically, or by topic.
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Be a Better Craft Teacher Series at Sew, Mama, Sew PLUS New Video Sewing Glossary Entries are up! | Whipstitch
September 1, 2014 at 11:57 pm[…] are also NEW entries up in the Video Sewing Glossary! I’m growing a collection of short videos designed to define common (and not so common) […]