I’m so excited that TODAY is the Season Two premiere of the Whipstitch podcast!
Last year, I started a podcast, and thought of it as an extension of this blog. A place where my writing-voice could be my ACTUAL voice, where I could feel a little more like the best part of my blog: that it was a conversation, me talking to you, a connected place of creative community. And it worked.
I didn’t expect to love making a podcast as much as I do?? Even with all the video I make, I didn’t realize how fun it would be to record and edit audio, to add music, to think through the scripting, to plan out the episodes. And I am THRILLED that a whole new season is ready for you!!
Every other Friday at noon Eastern, from today until the New Year, I have a brand new episode going live for you. You can subscribe and be the first to hear new episodes at Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Audible Podcasts, Spotify, Podbean, or by getting my newsletter straight to your inbox (pssst! newsletter subscribers also get EARLY ACCESS to new writing, tutorials, and goodies, just so you know).
SHOW NOTES from Season Two, Episode One:
How To Shop For Fabric
- In this episode, I discuss various places to shop for fabric, ranging from “big box” stores to independent local shops to online retailers. I also refer to DEADSTOCK, which is milled fabric that’s been sold off after a collection is complete or the season ends. My favorite deadstock retailers include:
- Emma One Sock (my all-time favorite for selection and service)
- Fabric Mart Fabrics (massive selection if you’re willing to do a little sifting)
- Core Fabrics
- If you’ve never read the Story of Sandra that I mention, it’s 100% worth your time. Bring a tissue, and read the comments–there’s real gold there. You’ll know it when you find it.
- I mention using an OVERCAST STITCH to finish the raw edges of a cut piece of fabric before laundering, so that it won’t uravel and make a giant mess in the wash. You can watch a video guide of that technique in my Video Sewing Glossary on the Whipstitch YouTube channel.
Want to get additional ideas, advice, insight, and instruction? Learn more about fabric shopping as part of your League of Dressmakers membership!