• Amazing Weekend with Dana at Whipstitch!

    Positively AMAZING weekend with Dana from MADE last Friday and Saturday, y’all!  So, so much fun. If we’re all being totally honest, when I dreamed up this whole event, I was…

  • Car Seat Cover

    From this: To this: To this! Don’t want to do it on your own?  Grab a tutorial from PukingPastilles (on sale!) or hop over to YourCarSeatCover and have it done by…

  • On the Benefits of Planning

    I haven’t always approached my sewing the same way.  In fact, even as I write that sentence, it occurs to me that I WON’T always approach my sewing the same way,…

  • Video Tutorial: Recycled Hand Puppets

    Simple, no-sew hand puppets from stuffed animals scored at the thrift shop (or scoured from their forgotten spot at the bottom of the toy chest).  Quick and easy, with crazy professional…

  • Instructions for Sewing: Doorway Puppet Playhouse

    Our oldest is nearly fifteen, and when she was around six, she really, really loved puppets.  Browsing through the Lillian Vernon catalog one day (hey, it was the late 90s, OK?),…

  • Making Time To Sew: Doing It Bit-By-Bit

    Part of my goal while on maternity leave from the shop has been to work on small projects, things with a limited scope that could be completed in a single sitting…