The Whipstitch Podcast is back! Season Two launches TODAY and a new episode will arrive every other Friday from now until June 2022, ten episodes in total this spring. I have some serious topics, some lighthearted episodes, some behind-the-scenes into what goes on here at Whipstitch Industries, and plenty of coffee chat on the calendar, so I’m thrilled to post a new episode today!
Episode Nine starts Season Two with a re-visit of a post I wrote after a trip to Hawaii with my husband nearly a decade ago: The Queen’s Quilt.
Show notes:
The following links cover much of the source material and references made in the episode.
The original post from 2011 is here on the Whipstitch blog.
Read the Wikipedia article about the life of Lili’oukalani, Queen of Hawaii

The novel I read on the flight over, The Aloha Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini, sparked my interest in the Queen’s Quilt and led to our palace visit.
The palace itself has a lovely website, complete with images of the quilt and the Imprisonment Room. It’s also the only royal palace in the United States, which you can read more about on the National Park Service site.
Krista Moser has some lovely images that detail Hawiian quilts, which differ greatly from the crazy quilt made by the Queen.
Learn more about kapa moe and traditional Hawiian textiles from Womenfolk.

Great thanks for many of the insights in this episode go to Una Kimokeo-Goes of Linfield College for her paper The Quilt Speaks: Crafting Gender and Cultural Norms in Hawaii
The Queen’s work has influenced other quilters, other monarchs, and even modern writers, according to this article in MauiTime.
The anniversary of the overthrow was just last month, and marks 129 years since Lili’oukalani was dethroned. Read more courtesy of the Kamehameha Schools and Brigham Young University–Hawaii campus.
There is still an active Hawaiian Sovereignty Movement today.
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