The Sewing Buddy Project: A Sewing Pen Pal Program

The Sewing Buddy Project started in 2010 when I had the brain storm of putting together sewing pen pals, people who would know each other through their relationship of sewing, who could interact one-on-one, and motivate one another.  I was really excited and more than a little nervous–for all I knew, no one would ever in a zillion years want to take part in something as epically nerdy as having a sewing pen pal.

Over the seven years I hosted the Project, though, we had more than 2500 Sewing Buddies participate, and many of them come back again and again each year to get a NEW Buddy to add to their list of friends.  When so many things in the world seem uncertain, a lot of us would love a new friend with whom to share ideas, get distracted, find projects about which to get excited, and exchange messages of kindness and support.  With that in mind, I am THRILLED to make the Sewing Buddy Project available again in 2020!

This is a pen pal matching program. Use the link below to SIGN UP FOR YOUR SEWING BUDDY.  You’ll fill out a super fast survey (four whole questions) and we will match you with another lover-of-sewing who wants to be your pen pal.  You’ll receive a formal email introduction no later than Sept 21, 2020 and you’ll be off and running!  Monthly prompts and challenges will arrive in your email inbox between now and August 2021 to keep you engaged and give you something to share with one another.

The entire project, from setting up your account to getting matched, is totally FREE.  I can’t wait to introduce you to your new Sewing Buddy!

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