• One Little Word: February 2014

    I don’t really know what happened with the sound here–all was going well, and then suddenly it wasn’t.  Maybe it’s the battery in my mic?  I thought about shooting the whole…

  • Updating a Vintage Metal Find

    I work on an Ikea table top, which holds my sewing machine, my laptop, an external monitor, and all my papers: calendar, notebook for ideas, sketch book, catalogs, printer paper.  I…

  • Modern InstaBee, Hive 6: Block 1

    I love how Instagram brings people together.  It really is true micro-blogging, in the sense that you can use the platform to shoot a photo, write a few words, and update…

  • February Sewcial is TODAY!

    Come on down to the Chattahoochee Coffee Company this morning and sew along with us!  Today is the monthly Sewcial meet-up, and we’ll be hand sewing and sharing coffee and some…

  • Choosing Plants and Choosing Plots

    My seed catalog from Baker Creek arrived today, which is pretty exciting.  I’m still eagerly awaiting the arrival of my Seed Savers Exchange and Seeds of Change catalogs, so I’m not…

  • Fabric-Covered Mat for Framing

    My margin cross stitch has long since been completed, but is not yet hanging on my wall.  And I even went out and bought a frame for it.  It’s just that…

  • Have You Ordered Your 2014 Seed Catalogs Yet?

    It’s all happening!!  Almost time to watch the temps begin to rise–as hard as that seems when we’re all hunkered down waiting for snow to hit Atlanta one. more. time this…

  • Imagine Gnats Goes to Print! Pattern Giveaway

    Rachel of Imagine Gnats designs super cute patterns.  Let’s just start there.  And she has two super darling girls to model them for her–and for us! Rachel has been releasing her…

  • One Little Word: January Check-In

    So, earlier this month, I chose a One Little Word for 2014.  I chose MARGIN, because that’s what I sense I need most this year, a chance to make some space…