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  • 2013 Sewing E-courses!

    Hooray!!  A whole new year has begun.  And I have an overwhelming sense of optimism this year.  I’m excited to see what comes and where it goes, and how I will…

  • Closet Clean Out Project #4: Linen Closet

    OK, for those of you who haven’t fallen asleep while I chronicle the scintillating closet cleaning project upon which I’ve embarked, another project complete!  I didn’t think I’d be this excited…

  • Closet Clean-Out Project #1: the Master Bedroom

    Well, we’re only one day into this thing, but so far, so good! Some before-and-afters for y’all: The small closet in the master, which houses my dresser along with less-frequently-used items…

  • The Great Closet Clean-Out

    I cannot believe I am about to show you what I am about to show you.  I feel an extraordinary sense of shame over what these photos reveal, but I also…

  • Signed Copies of Stitch Savvy Now Shipping!

    This arrived on my doorstep this morning: That’s FOUR cases of Stitch Savvy, newly from the printers.  Woot!!  If you pre-ordered on Amazon, it should be shipping out in the next…

  • Book Winner!

    Whoops!  I completely neglected to post the winner of Modern Designs for Classic Quilts!  Yeesh! Our random winner is #29, LJ, who said: Congratulations, LJ!  I have an email on its…

  • Making Notches

    With all the garments I’ve been sewing in the past few weeks, I’ve had plenty of time to think about notches.  Those little doo-hickies on the pattern that exist to either…

  • How Fabric is Printed

    Ken Kaufman of Robert Kaufman created this video while visiting their printing plants in Japan and Korea.  It walks through the process of creating a fabric, from design concept through choosing…

  • First of the Christmas Dresses

    So, I’ve mentioned before that I’m a little obsessed with the brother/sister outfit. Which is weird, because in the past, I have ranted about how much I DISLIKED the Southern tradition…

  • do.Good Stitches Trust Circle Herringbone Quilt

    Another finish for the Circle of Trust! This is the herringbone block from Alisa’s Modern Block of the Month for Sew, Mama, Sew this past year, and it is spectacular. The…

  • Pajama Patterns

    It’s flannel season.  More than that, it’s Christmas season.  I steadfastly refuse to put out Christmas things before the Thanksgiving turkey is fully digested, but after that, I do love me…

  • The Margin of 10000 Hours

    I remember sewing before the internet.  For me, and for most of the folks I knew who were sewing, it was primarily about achieving a goal–usually a finished garment.  Sewing wasn’t,…