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  • Essential Quilting Begins Today!

    The Essential Quilting e-course started today, and I am thrilled!  We’re doing so much more than just “learning to quilt.”  The class covers all the foundational skills, but also targets a…

  • Ikat Bark Cloth Fitted Slip Cover

    Another slip cover! This one was for the rounded-arm chair my mother gave us for the living room. Before: During (with the slip cover my mother made for it, before it…

  • Giveaway Day: Pinafore Pattern Winner

    Congratulations to Fern who wins a copy of the Pinafore pattern!  Fern, I will contact you via email so you can collect your loot.  Fern said: Thanks to everyone for entering,…

  • On a Whim? On a Lark? Quilt Top

    I’m thinking about calling this quilt something like “On a Whim” or “On a Lark,” because it was a total surprise that I put together a quilt top today–not what I…

  • Bar Stool Slip Cover

    After hours of grueling research, I have chosen a fabric and made the first of three slip covers for the bar stools that sit between the kitchen and the den!  I…

  • Blocks in Progress

    I have a whole mess of different bee projects going on right now, which is fun, because it means I get to dabble in some different styles of quilt block without…

  • Giveaway Day: Pinafore Pattern! CLOSED

    Once again, I’m joining the fun at the Sew, Mama, Sew Giveaway Day and offering a copy of the Pinafore pattern to one winner!  This is the same design as the…

  • Lost and Found Hand-Me-Down

    We’ve lived in this new house for about five months now, and are still finding boxes to unpack.  My husband and I were superstars a couple weekends ago and completely cleaned…

  • TARDIS Quilt, I Knew You Existed.

    When I’m sewing, I often will hit my Netflix Instant account and re-watch programs I’ve seen and loved as I work.  I have exhausted most of those–I’ve gone through all the…

  • Essential Quilting E-Course Now Registering!

    Over the past two years, I have taught the Your First (Modern) Quilt class to dozens of (amazingly cool, smart, awesome) women, and it has been incredible amounts of fun.  Last…

  • Rainy Days and Silent Films Quilt

    The spiky free-motion quilted project I mentioned last week is complete!  And just in time for a rainy, rainy day. This is another 1600 quilt, like the Domestic Bliss one I…

  • Date Night Redux

    I find myself in the same boat I’ve been in before, and so I thought a flashback post might be in order. My husband and I are heading out to an…

  • Kitchen Backsplash: Penny Tile!

    It took months and months, but I finally decided on a tile for our kitchen backsplash.  And once the decision was at last made, I pulled the trigger and we got…

  • Spiky and Black

    I’m working on quilting another jelly roll project.  And this time it’s spiky FMQ a la Elizabeth Hartman. Wait for it.…

  • A Day in the Life

    I got an email recently asking how I “fit it all in.”  Which is funny, because most days, I decidedly do not feel as though I am getting it all done–far…