• Did Losing Google Reader Kill Sewing Blogs?

    Remember Google Reader?  Remember how much we all loved it?  This was totally the way I organized my sewing blogs.  This was how I kept up with friends.  And when Reader…

  • Get Up & Go Skirt for Oktoberfest

    OK, so this wasn’t REALLY made for Oktoberfest, but it’s that time of year, right?  Sorta?  And doesn’t this skirt totally make you think of the Black Forest?  It’s obviously the…

  • Tula Pink’s Bumble: Peached Poplin for the Whole Gang

    I already shared how awesome I think Tula Pink’s mini-collection, Bumble, is.  It’s PEACHED POPLIN, you guys.  It is this incredibly super-soft cotton base cloth that feels not-quite-fuzzy to the touch.…

  • Rainy Fall Get Up & Go Skirt

    Seems like in most of the US today, it’s rainy and windy and a little bit cold.  Starting to feel like fall!  And while those of us in the Deep South…

  • The Get Up & Go Skirt Pattern is HERE!

    I am so excited today to introduce you to the very first Learn As You Sew pattern: the Get Up & Go Skirt!  This is Series 1, Pattern 1 in the…

  • Introducing: Learn As You Sew Patterns

    Eeeeep!!  I’m am excited and nervous to share with you a project I have been working on for close to a year: my new pattern series.  I’d like to introduce you…

  • Join My Patternmaking Master Class on BurdaStyle!

    I have a new online class available!  I’ve teamed up with BurdayStyle to teach patternmaking as a Master Class, over four weeks, and all online!  I’m really excited to launch the…

  • Tula Pink Bumble: the Return of Peached Poplin

    If you’ve been sewing for more than six years or so, you remember the old Heather Ross fabrics–Mendocino and Lightning Bugs, all those incredible hard-to-find collections that were SO SOFT.  That…

  • Back to School Wardrobes: Clothing for Boys

    No, I haven’t forgotten about sewing for back-to-school.  I am just milking the fortunate climate here in the South that allows me to continue to dress my children in their summer…

  • Now Available: The Pockets E-Book!

    Raise your hand if you love POCKETS!! Back in 2012, I created a 14-page printable workbook to accompany a practical workshop in pockets, one of my very favorite details to add…