• Let 'Er Rip

    A particularly frustrating week this week.  Not only is it the week of our house inspection (and now radon testing), but it seems as though on the rare occasions when I…

  • Sewing with Kids, Lesson 7: Gratitude

    Well, it’s Mother’s Day.  Again. The day when many of us plan our own celebration–cheerfully, knowing that’s how we’ll have a special day.  It’s the rare occasion when we ask for…

  • Log Cabin Settings: Making Tough Choices

    Along with my Your First (Modern) Quilt class here in Atlanta, I’ve been working on a log cabin quilt top that I’m pretty excited about.   Our first block out of the…

  • What You Bring To The Table

    I love it when you’re with a group of friends, and you venture forward and express your thoughts on a subject, maybe a little concerned that it might not be taken…

  • Animal Alphabet Quilt

    At last!  This quilt for our boy is finally finished: I stayed up laaaate one night when my husband was out of town and finished the quilting on this project, the…

  • If You Sew, You ARE An Artist

    I had a whole other post planned for today, but thanks to the almighty StumbleUpon and the constant serendipity it provides, I discovered this genius post on being an artist today:…

  • You. Can. Sew.

    There is an awesomely thought-provoking post over at Stitched in Color today.  Rachel always astounds me with how a simple idea can be so elegant when approached thoughtfully, and she has…

  • Carpe Stitchum is the New Black

    A few weeks ago, I spent some time puttering* around the studio, putting fabrics together to see what would happen (inspired by some of the improvisational piecing going on over at…

  • Yay or Nay?

    I’m finishing up stitching the binding on the boy quilt for our two-year-old, and starting to daydream about my next sewing project.  I’m really, really in the mood to make some…

  • Springtime Pinafore

    There she is.  Our little scientist. For someone so tiny, she always seems so analytical.  Look at that face. She’s a sweet girl, so happy–always observing, always excited to see you…

  • Sewing with Knits E-Course Registration OPEN!

    Open today: registration for the Sewing with Knits e-course! This is a five-week online class that covers all the basics of sewing knit fabrics, including how to choose them, how to…