• What Sewing Machine Do YOU Use?

    I’ve written before about my Viking Rose that I got from Sandra.  It’s a heckuva great machine, and has done me and Sandra both proud lo these many years.  Time has…

  • Spoiling Myself

    I splurged and picked up not one, but TWO of these Liberty mini-bundles this week.  They’re for a project–I swear!–but they feel like little bits of luxury.  The lawn is so…

  • Sudoku Quilt Complete!

    It’s done!  Finally got some more thread and completed the quilting on the Central Park Sudoku quilt. Very spring-time appropriate, wouldn’t you say? This is the largest piece I’ve done free-motion…

  • Sewing with Kids Book Reviews

    There are precious few books on the market that are designed for sewing with kids.  More narrowly, there are super few that are written for adults who want to sew with…

  • Super Cute Boy Quilt Kit

    Am very excited.  This box just arrived, and I can’t wait to dig in and make something lovely for our boy.  For his new room, in our new house, a room…

  • Bundles on Parade

    I had an epiphany the other day, while I was on the phone with a friend.  I was talking through a recent bout with icky anxiety–the kind that makes you unreasonable…

  • Curses! And hooray! But also: curses!

    More than halfway through quilting the Central Park sudoku quilt, I’ve run out of thread.  Super frustrating.  I was really enjoying the Zen sensation of zoning out at the machine and…

  • Quest for the Perfect Pants

    In a startling departure from our usual Thursday Sewing with Kids, I’ve been spending the bulk of my week sewing FOR my kids.  And today, I’ve been refining my Perfect Pants…

  • Sewing Kids Clothing

    The Sewing Kids Clothing e-course is just about to get underway, and I posted some images of the projects we’ll be working on together today for the students who have already…

  • Little Touches & Planning Ahead

    This summer, we’re taking our kids on vacation.  All four of them.  So I’m planning ahead and stitching up some special projects to reveal at the edge of our trip, things…

  • Snack Bandolier: Celebrate the Boy Tutorial

    This project has evolved gradually, over time, with bits and pieces added as we’ve gone along.  I’d like to acknowledge the brainstorming and input of my sweet husband, who reminisced about…