Browsing Category


  • My Rag Doll + GIVEAWAY

    I have been, since two Christmases ago, somewhat obsessed with doll clothing.  I spent an entire holiday season bringing together an awesome collection of hand-made vintage Barbie clothing via eBay for…

  • Yo-Yos Got My Temperature Rising

    The weather is warming up nicely (at last), and I’m hand sewing like a madwoman these days. These little beauties are all samples for my workshop as part of Camp Aloha…

  • Oilcloth Make-up Tray + A GIVEAWAY!

    For the two+ years since we moved into this house, I have kept my make-up on the bathroom counter in the travel bag that I got at TJMaxx the week I…

  • Silk Charmeuse and a French Pattern

    Waiting on my cutting table for me to dive in: This is an incredible silk charmeuse that I bought from Emma One Sock back when I was working on the projects…

  • Tutorial: Sewing a Knit Tee-Shirt Cuff

    After my love affair with long-sleeved and raglan tees recently, I’ve made more than my share of cuffs from knits.  Using photos from those sewing sessions, I put together a quick…

  • The Best People I Have Ever Known

    These are my grandparents, and without question, they are the best people I have ever known.  They did more to influence my worldview and my behavior than I ever could have…

  • Camp Aloha Friends!

    I am super, super, super excited to share with all of you a project I have been working on the past few weeks.  My sweet friend Mel from Single Handed Knits…

  • Sewing Studio Tour

    Maybe it’s my intense desire for spring to go ahead and spring already, but I’ve been sprucing up my studio the past couple of weeks–got a bee in my bonnet, so…

  • The Complete Photo Guide to Clothing Construction

    As an unapologetic collector of sewing books, I am always excited when a new, beautiful and truly useful sewing reference is published.  When that book is also written by a friend,…

  • Handmade Birthday Club: February

    This year, thanks to Instagram, I’m taking part in the Handmade Birthday Club that Susanna Kate has got going. Here’s the deal: we all are partnered with 11 other people, to…

  • One Little Word: February 2014

    I don’t really know what happened with the sound here–all was going well, and then suddenly it wasn’t.  Maybe it’s the battery in my mic?  I thought about shooting the whole…

  • Updating a Vintage Metal Find

    I work on an Ikea table top, which holds my sewing machine, my laptop, an external monitor, and all my papers: calendar, notebook for ideas, sketch book, catalogs, printer paper.  I…

  • Modern InstaBee, Hive 6: Block 1

    I love how Instagram brings people together.  It really is true micro-blogging, in the sense that you can use the platform to shoot a photo, write a few words, and update…