Browsing Category


  • February Sewcial is TODAY!

    Come on down to the Chattahoochee Coffee Company this morning and sew along with us!  Today is the monthly Sewcial meet-up, and we’ll be hand sewing and sharing coffee and some…

  • Fabric-Covered Mat for Framing

    My margin cross stitch has long since been completed, but is not yet hanging on my wall.  And I even went out and bought a frame for it.  It’s just that…

  • Imagine Gnats Goes to Print! Pattern Giveaway

    Rachel of Imagine Gnats designs super cute patterns.  Let’s just start there.  And she has two super darling girls to model them for her–and for us! Rachel has been releasing her…

  • One Little Word: January Check-In

    So, earlier this month, I chose a One Little Word for 2014.  I chose MARGIN, because that’s what I sense I need most this year, a chance to make some space…

  • 60-Degree Triangle Quilt

    All done and bound!  Like a lot of us, I’ve been wanting a 60-degree triangle quilt for ages.  Seems like a lot of us had the same yen around the same…

  • Sewing Buddies 2014: Deadline Approaching!

    If you’re planning to join us as a Sewing Buddy in 2014, be sure to register before the deadline THIS SUNDAY at midnight!  I’ll be closing out registration at that point,…

  • Patternmaking E-Course Begins Today!

    Starting TODAY!  The Flat Patternmaking e-course is ready to roll!  This class is one of my “live” online classes, which means that unlike some of my other e-courses (including Essential Sewing,…

  • Tips for Working with Velvet

    When I got the (possibly hare-brained) idea to sew my blue velvet cocktail dress, I had pretty minimal experience sewing with velvet.  This was absolutely my first time making something from…

  • Sewing Buddies 2014 NOW OPEN!

    Wayyyy back in 2010, I launched an idea based on a simple survey: pair up willing volunteers with one another to serve as sewing pen pals and keep each other motivated…

  • One Little Word Wall Hanging: Resources

    In an effort to get off on the right foot with my 2014 One Little Word, I’m stitching up a wall hanging for myself.  I’m working on mine today as my…

  • One Little Word: MARGIN

    I love this idea of having a word for the coming year.  Ali Edwards has done it for the better part of a decade now, and I must have seen it…