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  • Whipstitch of West Atlanta Closing Party March 22

    I sent out a newsletter announcement on Friday, and clicking “Send” was harder than I thought.  In fact, I walked away and came back after picking the kids up from school,…

  • Postage Stamp Quilt Progress

    I’m in Austin for QuiltCon the rest of this week, so it seems appropriate that I share the progress I’ve been making on the matching postage stamp quilts I’m putting together…

  • Sewing to Learn

    So many of us came to sewing wanting to know more.  OK, once I write that out I realize how ridiculous it sounds–I think what I mean is that no one…

  • A-Line Skirt Winners!

    Announcing the winners of the A-Line Skirts from Design and Sew an A-Line Skirt!  In no particular order, the winners are: For the green Hideaway skirt, #14 Melanie C., who said:…

  • Day 4: A-Line Skirt Giveaway!

    OK, y’all!  The last day of these skirt giveaways.  If you’re just tuning in, I made a bunch of really lovely skirts as samples for my Craftsy class, Design and Sew…

  • Day 3: A-Line Skirt Giveaway!

    For the past two days, I’ve been giving away skirts I made as samples from my Craftsy class, Design and Sew an A-Line Skirt.  And today and tomorrow, I have FOUR…

  • Day 2: A-Line Skirt Giveaway!

    Another day, and TWO more skirts! These are both samples from my Design and Sew an A-Line Skirt class on Craftsy.  A couple folks have asked whether the pattern for these…

  • A-Line Skirt Giveaway from my Craftsy Class!

    When I was sewing for my Craftsy class, Design and Sew an A-Line Skirt, I might have gotten a little carried away–I was enjoying the patternmaking so much, and refining the…

  • Artist Trading Cards for the Sewing Buddies!

    So, at this point, the vast majority of Sewing Buddies have been matched. I’ve sent out one. last. invite. to those aspiring Buddies to make sure they’re not missing something in…

  • Fabric Basket for the Desk

    Anna over at Noodlehead has a fantastic tutorial for making a fabric tray for storage that I’ve been meaning to try for ages.  I tend to take papers and pattern pages…

  • Valentine Silhouette Wall Hanging

    This quilt was made well over two years ago for a book proposal, but the project ended up not being included in Stitch Savvy.  When we moved into our new house,…

  • #scrappytripalong Finish!

    It is finished!  My #scrappytripalong quilt is all done–and I could not be more in love, seriously. What’s really funny (although I totally should not admit this here, because I’m sure…

  • Valentine’s Day Manly Gift Tutorial 2013

    Remember last year, when you guys gave me suggestions for a manly Valentine’s Day gift, and I made up a tutorial for all of us (plus a round-up of other tutes…