I’ve got three separate HST projects going on at the moment. Which either means I am a complete, obsessive nutcase or a wild-haired genius. Either way, lots of triangles over here.…
I went to a baby shower recently, and as is my apparent habit, liked the gift I gave so much that I came back home and made another for our house! …
image via Threads Magazine As I’m finishing up writing my new book, the last of the major tasks is to finalize the patterns. That means taking each pattern that I’ve developed…
About a year ago, I was having a conversation on the phone with a friend of mine, and noticing that I wasn’t feeling as anxious as I usually did. For months…
I think in my head, this was a Grand Reveal. But my husband was away all last week, and when he got home on Friday evening, I hurt his feelings by…
It’s not too late to join us! Sign up and get started right. this. second. Make lovely things that last, make great memories and stronger sewing skills, and make hay while…
The mattress for our oldest child’s hot pink four-poster bed finally arrived today! Woot! I had been waiting and waiting for it to get here so I could take some photos…
I think it would be hard to do home dec sewing and not make a least one giant pile of pillows. These are for my oldest child, to go on her…
Next week I begin the Sewing for Your Home e-course, and this week, I’m sharing a few of the projects to give you a taste of what we’ll be doing in…
As fantastic as our Easter holiday was this year, our Easter photos didn’t turn out as fabulously as I had hoped. This was the best of the bunch, after the…
NOW AVAILABLE: A step-by-step video tutorial and printable project guide! See the post and get the PDF. My sweet friend Mika liked my Kindle cover so much she asked for a…
Hooray!! It’s time to get ready for the Sewing for Your Home e-course!! I am super excited about this class–not least of which because it has given me an excuse to…
Chain piecing is a simple technique that makes quilting vastly more efficient: source Very simply, chain piecing involves sewing a seam, then rather than cutting the thread and beginning a new…
The short version is: we’re still super stalled on the kitchen. The butcher block bar has yet to be installed, and while I’ve pretty much chosen a backsplash, it’s crazy expensive…
My Domestic Bliss quilt top is finished! And it has already been on vacation! We headed up to the lake this weekend, following my appearance at the Festival of Alabama Fiber…