For a while now, folks have been asking me to make a video version of my continuous bias tape tutorial from a few years ago. I teach this technique both in…
Bits and pieces of what I’m doing this week: I’ve been planning an all-yellow Scrappy Trip-Along since I was about…oh, I don’t know…three blocks into my first Scrappy Trip-Along. And it…
A little randomly, at some point over the past year I decided to challenge myself and see how long I could go sewing with only white thread. I know: that really…
This past Friday was the very last day that I will have to drive a 90-minute car pool school run. And I cannot tell you in words how that makes me…
We attended a wedding in Florida over the Memorial Day weekend, and I thought, as I was last-minute packing, “What better place to take photos of my Summer Dresses samples?” So…
And I am diving in. Don’t tell my husband, because I totally haven’t touched the drapes yet. Details: Robert Kaufman Essex linen in natural (NOT the wide, because I wanted…
We’ve moved our youngest out of the crib. It feels a little like the end over here–our baby isn’t really a baby anymore, and as far as we know, we won’t…
On my cutting table right now. I am back from Quilt Market (photos on my Instagram) and working on a sample of the Modern Babydoll Dress for my Summer Dresses e-course.…
Hooray!! Registration is finally OPEN for the Summer Dresses online class. I am beside myself, I am so digging on these dresses and everything I have planned. These are three original…
I have been on an insane cross stitch kick lately. It all started with this one, which was a gift to me from a friend. We’d had this conversation on the…
Short version, AKA I’m planning to look at the eye candy and then get out of here because I really don’t need to know that much about someone else’s fabric purchases:…
It starts today! There are still spots open in the Everyday Handbags e-course, and I’d love to have you join us! We’re spending a little time every day over the next…