• I Feel *SO* Refreshed: Sewing Retreat Recap

    You know how sometimes, your life is so crazy that you don’t realize how desperately you need a break until one is all but forced on you, giving you the unexpected…

  • Crafty Business Basics E-Course Still Has Space!

    Since early October, I’ve been teaching an e-course on sewing with knit fabrics.  It’s my first time teaching in this format, and it’s been exciting and challenging and tons of work…

  • Heather Ross is #1 on my Speed Dial

    When I came home from Quilt Market on Sunday, I learned that in my absence I had received my package from Heather Ross from her Studio Sale.  It is chocka-chocka FULL…

  • Autumn Sewing Retreat: One Spot Left!

    We’re heading out on Friday for our annual sewing retreat in the North Georgia mountains, and I gotta say: after the crazy of these past few weeks, I AM READY.  We’re…

  • Quilt Market: My Best Discovery

    I saw so, so much to love at Quilt Market: fabulous new cotton prints, new patterns, new people.  It really was a great chance to connect with other folks in the…

  • Quilt Market Recovery

    Y’all, Quilt Market was a blast.  This was only my second trip–I went in Spring 2009 in Pittsburgh, but that fall was our famous flood and this past spring our baby…

  • Running Through My Mind

    These are the thoughts I’ve had in the past 45 minutes: I wonder what I should wear to my Schoolhouse presentation at Quilt Market on Friday?  Do grey slacks say “office…

  • As Per Your Request(s)

    Y’all were right: a sweet, girly dress was the way to go.  If I’d had time, I would have taken more advice and mixed it up with some funky fabrics and…

  • Appealing for your Assistance!

    So, I bought this truly fantastic Alexander Henry print for my second child, four years old, and planned to make a pinafore for her to wear this coming week as we…