You know how sometimes, your life is so crazy that you don’t realize how desperately you need a break until one is all but forced on you, giving you the unexpected…
Since early October, I’ve been teaching an e-course on sewing with knit fabrics. It’s my first time teaching in this format, and it’s been exciting and challenging and tons of work…
When I came home from Quilt Market on Sunday, I learned that in my absence I had received my package from Heather Ross from her Studio Sale. It is chocka-chocka FULL…
We’re heading out on Friday for our annual sewing retreat in the North Georgia mountains, and I gotta say: after the crazy of these past few weeks, I AM READY. We’re…
I saw so, so much to love at Quilt Market: fabulous new cotton prints, new patterns, new people. It really was a great chance to connect with other folks in the…
Y’all, Quilt Market was a blast. This was only my second trip–I went in Spring 2009 in Pittsburgh, but that fall was our famous flood and this past spring our baby…
These are the thoughts I’ve had in the past 45 minutes: I wonder what I should wear to my Schoolhouse presentation at Quilt Market on Friday? Do grey slacks say “office…
Y’all were right: a sweet, girly dress was the way to go. If I’d had time, I would have taken more advice and mixed it up with some funky fabrics and…
I am nervous and excited and anxious and aflutter getting ready to do my first-ever Schoolhouse presentation at Quilt Market in just ONE WEEK! If you’re planning to be in Houston,…
So, I bought this truly fantastic Alexander Henry print for my second child, four years old, and planned to make a pinafore for her to wear this coming week as we…
As the last stop on our weekend in Charleston, we visited historic Middleton Place, a pre-Civil War era plantation on the outskirts of town. My husband and I were both raised…