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Essays on Sewing

  • I Wonder Why I Do This, Any Of It

    I sew, a lot. Way more than normal people–and by normal, I guess I mean the average person, who probably doesn’t even know how to sew, making that an unfair and…

  • Planning My Sewing

    I love the planning part of sewing.  Love, love, love it.  Choosing the pattern, seeking out the perfect fabric–or finding a fabric, and tracking down the perfect pattern–is the STUFF.  I…

  • Why Sewing People Are the BEST People

    Sewing people are the best people.  I had this thought the other day, not for the first time, but clearly, like a lance through my skull, reminding me that sewing people…

  • Intimidation Factor

    I really love a challenge.  I do.  Sometimes I like to see if I can do something JUST to see if I can do it, whether I’m especially interested in the…

  • Run Your Own Race

    I can only think of three phrases that, at this stage in my life, come into my head on a daily basis and remind me where to step next.  This is…

  • White Thread

    A little randomly, at some point over the past year I decided to challenge myself and see how long I could go sewing with only white thread.  I know: that really…

  • Sewing to Learn

    So many of us came to sewing wanting to know more.  OK, once I write that out I realize how ridiculous it sounds–I think what I mean is that no one…

  • The Margin of 10000 Hours

    I remember sewing before the internet.  For me, and for most of the folks I knew who were sewing, it was primarily about achieving a goal–usually a finished garment.  Sewing wasn’t,…

  • Tidying and Repairs

    Sewing Buddies: don’t forget that today is the final day to upload entries for Sewing Buddy Challenge #2: Color!  You have until midnight tonight to get your images added to our…

  • Your Thread Has a Shelf Life

    Last night, I started a new Intro to Sewing class, and as with all my classes, we got to talking about tools and supplies–and like many of my students, some of…

  • Taking Back Seamstress

    Last January, I had a conversation about the word “seamstress.”  I was lucky enough to be in Palm Springs at the Heather Ross Workshop, and even luckier to be hanging out…