Browsing Category


  • Intimidation Factor

    I really love a challenge.  I do.  Sometimes I like to see if I can do something JUST to see if I can do it, whether I’m especially interested in the…

  • Cotton + Steel Frock Rayons

    Oh, rayon.  I DO love you.  I have always loved you.  I am so glad we’re getting back together. I once overheard an older woman at JoAnn saying to her friend…

  • Giveaway with Kids Clothes Week!

    Today, I’m excited to be part of a giveaway over at Kids Clothes Week! Enter for your chance to win THREE new kids’ patterns PLUS a spot in the Sewing Knits…

  • Kwik Sew 1672: Men’s Boxer Shorts

    I made my husband underwear.  Yep.  UNDERWEAR.  And as one of my sweet IG friends asked, “Do you always make your husband’s underwear?”, no, I never have before.  But I uncovered…

  • One Little Word 2014 Wrap-Up: MARGIN

    Well, now that it’s 2015, it’s time to wrap up my One Little Word project from 2014! Last year, I invited in the word MARGIN. (Or it invited itself. Whatever.) It…

  • Did Losing Google Reader Kill Sewing Blogs?

    Remember Google Reader?  Remember how much we all loved it?  This was totally the way I organized my sewing blogs.  This was how I kept up with friends.  And when Reader…

  • Get Up & Go Skirt for Oktoberfest

    OK, so this wasn’t REALLY made for Oktoberfest, but it’s that time of year, right?  Sorta?  And doesn’t this skirt totally make you think of the Black Forest?  It’s obviously the…

  • Tula Pink’s Bumble: Peached Poplin for the Whole Gang

    I already shared how awesome I think Tula Pink’s mini-collection, Bumble, is.  It’s PEACHED POPLIN, you guys.  It is this incredibly super-soft cotton base cloth that feels not-quite-fuzzy to the touch.…