Browsing Category


  • Camp Stitchalot

    Oh, Camp Stitchalot.  What can I possibly say that would sum up how glorious this past weekend was? In a red barn, in the middle of the Michigan countryside, in two…

  • One Little Word Update for May

    Uh….anyone notice I totally didn’t manage a One Little Word update for April?  Yeah.  When you word for the year is “margin,” it’s more than a little ironic when your schedule…

  • Bits & Pieces

    Summer is here, and we’re still working out what that means for our daily schedule.  Yesterday, I did a smidgen of sewing, followed by four hours at the pool with the…

  • Lotus Pond EXTRAVAGANZA!

    Have you seen Rae’s new fabric line, Lotus Pond?  All organic, all in luscious colors, and all in the sweetest Scandinavian-inspired prints.  The folks at Cloud9 were sweet enough to send…

  • Datura Blouse: Test Muslin in Double Gauze

    Before cutting in to my super amazing pink check silk charmeuse for a Datura blouse, I wanted to do a test run.  This is the result of that test, made in…

  • Bianca Dress from Made By Rae

    Rae has a brand-new sewing pattern out, the Bianca Top & Dress, and it’s just the ticket for the hot, hot summer we’re sure to have this year. I made the…

  • Deep Pockets Tunic in Framework Double Gauze

    Ellen Baker of The Long Thread has a new line of fabrics out for Kokka this summer, and I gleefully volunteered to take some yardage off her hands and play with…

  • Saturated Stripes Quilt

    I spent a solid two weeks this spring hand-stitching a zillion little yo-yos using RJR’s Cotton Supreme Solids.  They were each like little gems, perfectly round and fluffy and dazzling saturated…

  • Cappuccino Dress

    You’ll have to forgive me for taking photos of a dress that I clearly have been wearing for a few hours–today was registration day for next school year, which involves some…

  • Upcoming Atlanta-Area Sewcials

    Spring has SPRUNG, and it has come so FAST!  I can’t believe how quickly the weather has warmed up, and how March and April have flown past me. There was no…

  • Giveaway Winners!

    Winners!! Winner of At Home with Modern June is Veronica, who said: I’m excited to see how many of you are looking to do more sewing with oilcloth!  Be sure to check…

  • Tannic Acid Molecular Quilt + Quilt Lab Blog Hop

    Once upon a time, before Whipstitch existed, I was an archaeologist.  My field of study was prehistoric human/plant interactions, focusing on acorn use as a primary foodstuff in the American Southeast.…

  • Shorts Season

    Over the past week+ or so, I have sewn up a gazillion pair of shorts for the children. They all seem to have shot up four inches in the space of…

  • Dollar Store Academy

    There are days where it would be so, so, so much easier to let the kids come home from school, turn on the TV, and let it roll.  We try pretty…