• Pencil & iPad Cases for Travel

    The night before we left for our recent epic trip to New York and Boston, I (quite naturally, in my opinion) stitched up some cute little cases for my goodies along…

  • Adventures at the Atlanta Food and Craft Swap

    This past weekend, we ventured out to an event we’ve never attended before: the Atlanta Food (and Craft) Swap.  Hosted by Homestead Atlanta, this is usually “just” a food swap, but…

  • TUTORIAL: Applying Piping

    When I was dreaming up the Prayer & Meditation Cushion pattern, one of the first epiphanies I had was that it really needed piping. One of the best parts about piping…

  • Seedlings!

    THIS year!  Is finally The Year! After ages and ages and ages of planning a Real Garden, we’ve finally tilled the soil and sprouted seeds.…

  • TUTORIAL: Exposed Enclosed Zipper

    Ever since I learned to install the “exposed enclosed zipper,” I have been minorly obsessed with them.  They seem to work on, like, a zillion different projects, perfectly.  I used one on…

  • Handmade Linen Wedding Napkins

    I must really, really, really like my sister. She’s getting married in two weeks (eek!!), and I agreed to sew up the table linens for her reception.…

  • Relaxing Herbal Pillow Fill: 10 Recipes

    When I planned my prayer and meditation cushions, I knew I wanted to use buckwheat hulls for the filling.  I’d used hulls previously for pin cushions, and I loved the weight…

  • Prayer & Meditation Cushion Pattern

    Introducing a new super fast and useful sewing pattern: the Prayer & Meditation Cushion! Whether you currently have a spiritual practice of any kind, there has been a ton published in…

  • Handmade Teacher Gift Round-Up

    Alright, team players!  A bunch of you had some really great suggestions for end-of-year gifts for teachers, and I loved what you had to share.  I loved that some of you…

  • In Search of the Perfect Teacher Gift

    The end of the school year is, once again, upon us.  On the one hand: oh, thank goodness, I am SO relieved to not have to get up at the crack…

  • The Flip Flop Dress in Citrus Checks

    Yep.  More Flip Flop Dress previews. Sometimes I’m astonished at how long it can take to develop a pattern, even one that seems really simple.  Not just the pattern pieces, but…

  • Spring Bloom Blog Hop & Giveaway

    My dear friend Dana emailed me recently and asked if she could introduce me to her friend Amanda, a member of the LAMQG, who is releasing her first fabric collection with…