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  • Stephanie Kwolek: A Great Woman In Sewing

    Stephanie Kwolek isn’t the first name that springs to mind when you think “famous seamstress.”  But her scientific contributions have made more impact on our world that you might think–and it…

  • Knitted Ballet Legwarmers and the Magic Loop

    I finished my first sweater and cast on stitches for a second sweater.  I know!  Not only that, but this second one is TO GIVE AWAY. So the standard is a…

  • In the Ring: Rowenta vs the Gravity Feed Iron

    For nearly ten years, I have used and strongly endorsed Rowenta irons.  They’re heavy, which is a good thing when you’re sewing and seeking to press rather than iron.  They have…

  • Finished: First Sweater!

    I finished!!! My very first knitted sweater is all done.  Well, mostly done.…

  • Rosa Parks: A Great Woman In Sewing

    I grew up in Montgomery, Alabama.  The earliest school memories I have celebrated the Montgomery Bus Boycott, the March from Selma, and the Civil Rights movement in a very personal and…

  • Knitting for Humility

    On the first night of Intro to Sewing class, a young woman walked in with a brand-new sewing machine still in the original box and set it on the classroom table.…

  • LAST CALL for a 2016 Sewing Buddy!

    I am deep in the trenches of hand-matching our Sewing Buddies for 2016!!  If you haven’t signed up yet but would like to join us, TODAY is the very last day…

  • The Only Reason The Internet Works

    I was watching an old Hepburn & Tracy movie over the holidays, Desk Set, all about replacing a crack reference librarian with a computer, back in the 50s.  And it occurred to…

  • The Rope Basket Craze

    So, not too long ago, I made my very first rope bowl.  One minute, the words “rope bowl” were some vague 70s-era shady memory and POOF! the next minute, it seemed…

  • Button Sorting

    The other day I walked into our kitchen and found this on the counter.  The children had taken the giant trifle bowl filled with random buttons that I keep in my…