The Flip Flop Dress pattern started out, years ago, as a style my mother manufactured when she made children’s clothing for her cottage company back in the late 80s and early…
I’ll be going on and on about this pattern for a few days, just be warned. I’ve made about a zillion of them, and my daughter wears them all. the. time.…
I learned a lot of my sewing through osmosis. Watching my mother and grandmother work their magic was part of my childhood landscape. So the tools that I used when I began…
A week before the Fourth, my kids were all looking for their Stars and Stripes outfits. Our neighborhood hosts a kids’ parade–complete with bike/wagon decorating competition and bake-off–and they wanted to…
Sewing people are the best people. I had this thought the other day, not for the first time, but clearly, like a lance through my skull, reminding me that sewing people…
The night before we left for our recent epic trip to New York and Boston, I (quite naturally, in my opinion) stitched up some cute little cases for my goodies along…
This past weekend, we ventured out to an event we’ve never attended before: the Atlanta Food (and Craft) Swap. Hosted by Homestead Atlanta, this is usually “just” a food swap, but…
When I was dreaming up the Prayer & Meditation Cushion pattern, one of the first epiphanies I had was that it really needed piping. One of the best parts about piping…
THIS year! Is finally The Year! After ages and ages and ages of planning a Real Garden, we’ve finally tilled the soil and sprouted seeds.…
Ever since I learned to install the “exposed enclosed zipper,” I have been minorly obsessed with them. They seem to work on, like, a zillion different projects, perfectly. I used one on…
I must really, really, really like my sister. She’s getting married in two weeks (eek!!), and I agreed to sew up the table linens for her reception.…
When I planned my prayer and meditation cushions, I knew I wanted to use buckwheat hulls for the filling. I’d used hulls previously for pin cushions, and I loved the weight…
Introducing a new super fast and useful sewing pattern: the Prayer & Meditation Cushion! Whether you currently have a spiritual practice of any kind, there has been a ton published in…
Alright, team players! A bunch of you had some really great suggestions for end-of-year gifts for teachers, and I loved what you had to share. I loved that some of you…
The end of the school year is, once again, upon us. On the one hand: oh, thank goodness, I am SO relieved to not have to get up at the crack…