Browsing Category


  • Organic Acorns Quilt Finished!

    I’ve decided to call this quilt Organic Acorns, after playing with some other ideas.  I really enjoyed sitting down with this half yard bundle and not thinking too much, just laying…

  • Sewing Machine Maintenance: Cleaning Your Serger

    A serger, or overlock machine, can be a great addition to your sewing arsenal.  They’re not at all essential, obviously, but if you’re planning to open an Etsy shop manufacturing children’s…

  • Sewing Machine Maintenance: Cleaning a Top-Load

    If you’re following along, we’re having an exciting week of CLEANING!  I know how it sounds.  But really, it is exciting to clean your sewing machine–seeing it all shiny and happy…

  • Sewing Machine Maintenance: Cleaning a Front-Load

    Brief note: I announced on Thursday that we’d be hosting a Crafty Meet-Up at the Whipstitch shop in Atlanta on June 29.  Turns out that’s the Friday before July 4–who knew? …

  • Tova Top in Heirloom Linen

    Seems like the entire World Wide Internet Web is talking about the Tova pattern, so it was high time I made one for myself.  I chose a deliciously lightweight heirloom linen…

  • Vogue 1152 in Tula Pink Voile

    In just a very few weeks, I’ll be teaching the BabyLock Totally Stitchin’ School at the Martha Pullen School of Art Fashion, in Huntsville, Alabama.  This dress is one of the…

  • Sewing Buddy Challenge #1

    Earlier this year, I matched up hundreds of happy folk with one another as Sewing Buddies, and then challenged them to complete a sewing project that would take BOTH of them…

  • Taking Back Seamstress

    Last January, I had a conversation about the word “seamstress.”  I was lucky enough to be in Palm Springs at the Heather Ross Workshop, and even luckier to be hanging out…

  • Nearly There

    Projects that are almost finished (but not quite): My new temporary studio, situated in our dining room.  I won’t have a “real” studio until the basement gets finished, which we thought…

  • New Quilt Books on the Market

    There have been a whole mess of new quilt books coming out these past few months, and I seem to have developed a collect-them-all urge.  I’ve been bringing them home from…

  • Fabric Fail

    I love me some linen, maybe even more than cotton, at least for garments.  And every year when the weather warms up, I feel a yen for more flowy, soft, linen…