Head on over to Creative Domestic today and enter to win a signed copy of my first book, Stitch By Stitch! Charlotte is offering up a copy along with her other…
Part of what I’m learning as I explore this idea of margin this year is that we learn our priorities based on what we DO, not on what we say…
Before heading off to Camp Stitchalot, I wanted to do something nice for all the campers. Since this particular camp session didn’t include formal workshops, I wanted to make doubly extra…
Before we took our recent ten-day family road trip up the Eastern Seaboard, I flew into a wild sewing rage and made a stack of things to take with us. I knew…
Here’s my monthly video update following this year’s progress with my One Little Word: Margin. I don’t plan these videos, so this one’s especially stream-of-consciousness, so buckle up.…
I agreed to be part of the Oakshott Ruby Mini-Quilt Challenge with Sew, Mama, Sew mostly because I didn’t really know anything about Oakshott cottons. I think I had a vague…
I finally made the time last week to sew up the Miette Skirt by Tilly of Tilly and the Buttons. I downloaded and printed the pattern ages ago, but you know…
Just a heads-up, y’all: I have been working diligently the past week-plus to sort through my ENTIRE stash of fabrics and separate out the ones I cannot live without and the…
Oh, Camp Stitchalot. What can I possibly say that would sum up how glorious this past weekend was? In a red barn, in the middle of the Michigan countryside, in two…
Uh….anyone notice I totally didn’t manage a One Little Word update for April? Yeah. When you word for the year is “margin,” it’s more than a little ironic when your schedule…
Remember my Saturated Stripes quilt? It was inspired by the Fresh Pack quilt made by Dorie of Tumbling Blocks–and now Dorie has a pattern available for download! In Dorie’s Craftsy pattern shop,…
Summer is here, and we’re still working out what that means for our daily schedule. Yesterday, I did a smidgen of sewing, followed by four hours at the pool with the…