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  • Sketchbook Shirts in Fanfare Flannel

    Well, I can cross off two more items from my to-sew list for the kids, thanks to today’s Fanfare Flannel Extravaganza!  Plus, I finally got around to sewing up the Sketchbook…

  • Dimensional Denim from Amy Barickman

    Amy Barickman of Indygo Junction, one of the kindest and most lovely human beings around, is launching a new book AND a new line of denims.  What?!?  That’s right: NEW DENIMS.…

  • Meet Spice Berry Cottage!

    Meet Spice Berry Cottage, a fab modern online shop and my newest sponsor! Spice Berry Cottage carries a wide range of modern cottons and apparel fabrics, mostly focused on quilting.  Dina, the…

  • Back to School Wardrobes: Inventory

    So, I bought all the kids new shoes and it made me feel pretty confident about starting off the school year with all the boxes checked and all their clothing organized.…

  • Three Little Beach Hats

    Before our big Summer Road Trip, what really got me started sewing (and sewing and sewing) for myself and the kids was these little hats.  With pale skin, I knew at…

  • Stitch By Stitch Giveaway!

    Head on over to Creative Domestic today and enter to win a signed copy of my first book, Stitch By Stitch!  Charlotte is offering up a copy along with her other…

  • Bias-Bound Pouch: Camp Stitchalot Giveaways

    Before heading off to Camp Stitchalot, I wanted to do something nice for all the campers.  Since this particular camp session didn’t include formal workshops, I wanted to make doubly extra…

  • Handmade Knit Tees for the Girls

    Before we took our recent ten-day family road trip up the Eastern Seaboard, I flew into a wild sewing rage and made a stack of things to take with us. I knew…

  • One Little Word Update: June

    Here’s my monthly video update following this year’s progress with my One Little Word: Margin.  I don’t plan these videos, so this one’s especially stream-of-consciousness, so buckle up.…

  • Oakshott Cotton Challenge

      I agreed to be part of the Oakshott Ruby Mini-Quilt Challenge with Sew, Mama, Sew mostly because I didn’t really know anything about Oakshott cottons.  I think I had a vague…

  • Miette Skirt in Chambray Union Crossweave

    I finally made the time last week to sew up the Miette Skirt by Tilly of Tilly and the Buttons.  I downloaded and printed the pattern ages ago, but you know…

  • Major Destash on Instagram TONIGHT!

    Just a heads-up, y’all: I have been working diligently the past week-plus to sort through my ENTIRE stash of fabrics and separate out the ones I cannot live without and the…